Friday, May 8, 2009

Adam Reese Profile

Adam Reese has been training with me for a little over 3 years. He is now 20 years old, in high school he played a variety of sports as an all around athlete and now competes in powerlifting and olympic weightlifting.

Start stats:

bodyweight - 130 lbs
bench - 200 lbs
squat - 200 lbs
deadlift - 170 lbs
clean - 65 kg

May 2009:

bodyweight: 150 lbs
bench - 285 lbs
squat - 405 lbs
deadlift - 405 lbs
clean and jerk - 96 kg (212 lbs)
snatch - 76 kg (170 lbs)

Adam also holds 4 State Powerlifting Records in the 148 lb weight class

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